Home News Recently Completed Marine Gravity and Magnetics Project Sets New Record Announcements 3 MIN. READ Recently Completed Marine Gravity and Magnetics Project Sets New Record SHARE Processed Water Depth (Left) and Processed Gravity Data (Right) Images property of and posted with permission of CGG The world renowned data acquisition and processing teams at Xcalibur Multiphysics delivered the largest ever recorded shipborne gravity and magnetics project. The survey was acquired in conjunction with the Nebula multi-client program for CGG offshore Brazil. Over 36,700 sqkm of high resolution gravmag data were obtained in the Santos and Campos Basins with industry leading turn around time. To date, over 100 GeoPDF GIS maps were delivered to multiple stakeholders that licensed numerous areas of interest (AOIs) over several blocks from multiple bid rounds.CGG Multi-Client New Ventures conducted the long-offset BroadSeis survey from June 2019 to January 2022. The survey is comprised of over 1,200 survey lines and 80,000 line kilometers. Along with seismic data, final products from the fully processed gravity, magnetics and bathymetry data are now available to license from CGG. Examples of where gravity and magnetic methods can assist include: identification of salt diapirstectonics and structural mapping depth-to-basement identification of volcanics determination of sediment thickness delineation of sediment fairwaysmapping of intra-sedimentary anomalies independent geological constraints check for seismic interpretationWe are ready to illustrate how potential fields can add value to your project and enhance your exploration program. < SEE PREVIOUS NEW SEE NEXT NEW > < > Related news Announcements Xcalibur Smart Mapping Expands Capabilities with Acquisition of PGW’s Interpretation Division SEE MORE > Announcements Xcalibur Smart Mapping, backed by Kartesia Asset Finance and Miralta Credit Opportunities, secures €40 million in funding to expand its aircraft fleet SEE MORE > Announcements Einstein-First project: Supporting a brighter future in science education SEE MORE > Announcements Last news Xcalibur Smart Mapping delivers data for 2023 project to National Geological Survey of Mongolia SEE MORE > Announcements Xcalibur Smart Mapping’s IT Department wins award at Computing 2024 for Excellence in Cybersecurity Implementation SEE MORE > Announcements Last news Sin categorizar Xcalibur Smart Mapping and Stanford University Initiate a pioneer AI and machine learning Project for the Energy Transition SEE MORE > Announcements Xcalibur Smart Mapping, nuevo miembro Platinium de la Fundación Empresa & Clima SEE MORE > Announcements Blog – Analysis and expert opinion The power of remote sensing in monitoring land use changes SEE MORE > Announcements The 15th International Energy & Mineral Resources Congress reinforces Xcalibur Multiphysics commitment to responsible exploration SEE MORE > Contact us. FILL THE FORM
SHARE Processed Water Depth (Left) and Processed Gravity Data (Right) Images property of and posted with permission of CGG The world renowned data acquisition and processing teams at Xcalibur Multiphysics delivered the largest ever recorded shipborne gravity and magnetics project. The survey was acquired in conjunction with the Nebula multi-client program for CGG offshore Brazil. Over 36,700 sqkm of high resolution gravmag data were obtained in the Santos and Campos Basins with industry leading turn around time. To date, over 100 GeoPDF GIS maps were delivered to multiple stakeholders that licensed numerous areas of interest (AOIs) over several blocks from multiple bid rounds.CGG Multi-Client New Ventures conducted the long-offset BroadSeis survey from June 2019 to January 2022. The survey is comprised of over 1,200 survey lines and 80,000 line kilometers. Along with seismic data, final products from the fully processed gravity, magnetics and bathymetry data are now available to license from CGG. Examples of where gravity and magnetic methods can assist include: identification of salt diapirstectonics and structural mapping depth-to-basement identification of volcanics determination of sediment thickness delineation of sediment fairwaysmapping of intra-sedimentary anomalies independent geological constraints check for seismic interpretationWe are ready to illustrate how potential fields can add value to your project and enhance your exploration program.
Processed Water Depth (Left) and Processed Gravity Data (Right) Images property of and posted with permission of CGG The world renowned data acquisition and processing teams at Xcalibur Multiphysics delivered the largest ever recorded shipborne gravity and magnetics project. The survey was acquired in conjunction with the Nebula multi-client program for CGG offshore Brazil. Over 36,700 sqkm of high resolution gravmag data were obtained in the Santos and Campos Basins with industry leading turn around time. To date, over 100 GeoPDF GIS maps were delivered to multiple stakeholders that licensed numerous areas of interest (AOIs) over several blocks from multiple bid rounds.CGG Multi-Client New Ventures conducted the long-offset BroadSeis survey from June 2019 to January 2022. The survey is comprised of over 1,200 survey lines and 80,000 line kilometers. Along with seismic data, final products from the fully processed gravity, magnetics and bathymetry data are now available to license from CGG. Examples of where gravity and magnetic methods can assist include: identification of salt diapirstectonics and structural mapping depth-to-basement identification of volcanics determination of sediment thickness delineation of sediment fairwaysmapping of intra-sedimentary anomalies independent geological constraints check for seismic interpretationWe are ready to illustrate how potential fields can add value to your project and enhance your exploration program.