Home Fleet Cessna 208B Grand Caravan – Cessna 208B Supervan 900 Cessna 208B Grand Caravan – Cessna 208B Supervan 900 Reliable, efficient, versatile turbine aircraft well suited to all types of airborne geophysical survey operations. MAIN FEATURES The 208B Grand Caravan is the preferred platform for FALCON® AGG projects. The Supervan 900 is an upgraded 208B with a Honeywell TPE331-12JR turbine engine, providing higher power, extended range, and more efficient operations, and is the preferred platform for TEMPEST® AEM projects. The Supervan 900 is an upgraded 208B with a Honeywell TPE331-12JR turbine engine, providing higher power, extended range, and more efficient operations, and is the preferred platform for TEMPEST® AEM projects. The Supervan 900 is an upgraded 208B with a Honeywell TPE331-12JR turbine engine, providing higher power, extended range, and more efficient operations, and is the preferred platform for TEMPEST® AEM projects. TECHNOLOGIES Gravity Gradiometry & Magnetics Software Airborne Scalar Gravimetry Geospatial Technologies (GST) Airborne Gravity Gradiometry < SEE PREVIOUS FLEET SEE NEXT FLEET > < > Contact us FILL THE FORM